Access to Online Research Dashboard

INASP’s Access to Online Research Dashboard is now closed.

National library consortia are now managing negotiations , pricing and access to resources with publishers directly. 

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INASP’s Online Research Registration Dashboard, enabled eligible institutions within 22 countries to register for publisher resources and manage their online research journal and book subscriptions, while keeping workloads manageable and efficient. 

INASP's Online Research Dashboard was available as part of SRKS and previous programmes, which ended in March 2018. INASP and our partners are proud that, during the course of these programmes, national library purchasing consortia in 13 countries were in a position to deal directly with publishers and to manage their access to subscription journals independently. From 2018-2019 INASP worked with consortia in a further eight countries to prepare them for the same independence. All are now handling invoicing and payments directly, and from 2019 agree subscriptions and prices directly with publishers and manage their own access to free resources.

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