Gender barriers in research and knowledge systems perpetuate discrimination and create different pathways for men and women. They prevent the creation and use of knowledge that can enable inclusive, just and sustainable development.
Women across the globe continue to be excluded from participating fully in science and research, but women working in the Global South face even more challenges than those in other regions.
This collection of interviews has been compiled in recognition of the inspiring personal stories, and amazing work undertaken by our partners (and other women in the Global South).
From actively addressing gender issues in male dominated institutions, providing mentoring and support to other women, or overcoming personal challenges to pursue excellence in their field, meet six women who are making a difference.
Read the stories
Dr Mary Murimi's story
Science doesn’t care about your surname, gender, or ethnicity; science cares about the content, what have you found, what you have written
Sahro Ahmed Koshin's story
I really felt the absence of Somali women's voices in knowledge production, and knowledge: who's using the knowledge, who's producing it, how it's being produced.
Dr Barbara Burmen's story
When women are involved in science, research is more likely to address problems related to women’s health and welfare and solutions generated are more likely to be gender inclusive.
Dr Mariam Hamisi's story
It's very important for women to do science, and to be at higher academic levels because they have the right to do so - we have the right to do so.
Miriam Conteh-Morgan's story
One of the things we have talked about in our group is looking at university policies and trying to give them a gendered face, seeing how helpful or not they are towards women’s career advancement
Dr Eli Pradhan story
Being a woman and an academic we should feel very proud of ourselves.. It’s important to build ourselves, to build our own character and also for our professional development.