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Understanding research and knowledge systems in the Somali regions: Report of a roundtable convened by INASP and the Rift Valley Institute
This report draws out some of the key themes and ideas which emerged during a roundtable held in Kenya in 2016 which focused on the research and knowledge system in the Somali regions.
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This is a report on a roundtable looking at the research and knowledge system in the Somali regions, organized as part of the Rift Valley Forums for research, policy and local knowledge. The event was hosted by INASP and the Rift Valley Institute in Kenya in March 2016.
The roundtable brought together members of the Somali research and development community,
representatives from the Kenyan research community, and representatives from research funding and supporting organizations. Participants included representatives of research institutes, universities, NGOs, and associated networks.
Somalia / Somali Regions
Publication type
Reports & papers