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Enabling gender parity in higher education and the research sector: Learning from East Africa
In 2018 and 2019, INASP and partners facilitated discussions about enabling gender equity in higher education in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda. This paper summarizes the key findings and recommendations from across those three meetings.
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Over the last year, INASP has been gathering learning with a number of its partners in three countries – Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda – to identify, explicitly, what needs to be done within the higher education (HE) and research sector to address the issue of gender parity in a systemic way and permanent way.
The dialogues identified a threefold strategy orchestrated largely by higher education institutions/ research institutes which address issues that are (1) internal to the university, (2) external to and influenceable by the university, (3) as part of a multi-university/research institution learning alliance such as the ones that were formed during the dialogues in the three countries.
Tanzania (United Republic of)
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Reports & papers