AuthorAID 2018-2028

With the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals approaching, there is an urgent need to accelerate and deepen the contributions that Global South researchers can make to meeting the knowledge needs of their communities and nations, and of the world as a whole.
Across the world, passionate and talented early career researchers – women and men – are eager to contribute but sometimes lack the knowledge and support that they need if they are to design, deliver and communicate research that addresses these problems and that brings new solutions to society, the environment, policymakers, and the economy.
We are developing a digital learning community that enables these early career researchers to advance their skills, confidence and networks, positioning them to do research that can make a difference to society both nationally and globally.
Our goals are to
- Assist 40,000 early career researchers to address their communities’ most pressing challenges
- Develop new partnerships with organisations and funders in order to reach more global researchers in underserved communities, and ensure our work is sustainable
- Develop an active, contributing community of early career researchers including a steward group made up of experienced researchers from different regions in the Global South
- Offer high quality learning content, including the addition of new Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and self-study courses on our Learn@INASP Moodle platform, online learning events, and learning on demand, such as videos and podcasts.
- Co-develop new content with community members, and ensure all our learning content is based on gender responsive principles.
- Offer a responsive, scalable and sustainable web platform hosted in the Global South.
Our approach
To achieve this, our work focuses on four areas:
- Extending our strategic partnerships: to make our work more sustainable and to be able to support early career researchers even better, we are strengthening our business model.
- Cultivating an engaged community: to ensure our offer meets the demand and needs, and to ensure sustainability and ownership, it needs to be led by contributing members.
- Expanding our learning programme: to meet the needs of women and men researchers, we are providing learning opportunities in a variety of formats and on different platforms.
- Strengthening our digital infrastructure: to offer the best support to researchers that we can, we need to provide an accessible and affordable digital platform