INASP Associate

John was Executive Director for INASP from November 2018 until December 2023. He previously spent 17 years developing and leading the Research and Policy in Development (RAPID) programme at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and, prior to that, nearly 20 years based in Sri Lanka, Kenya and Indonesia developing, implementing and testing new approaches to rural development and decentralized public services.

Since returning to the UK, he has undertaken research, evaluations and other assignments in more than 20 developing and emerging countries. He has also advised international NGOs and bilateral and multilateral development organizations on a wide range of topics including research-policy linkages; policy engagement and influence; organizational and institutional development; capacity development, especially of think tanks and think tank-like organizations; government service reform; monitoring evaluation and learning; and strategic communication.

Read blog posts by John here.

Key skills and expertise:

  • Research-Policy linkages
  • Policy influence
  • Institutional development
  • Think tank capacity development
  • Government service reform
  • Strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Communication

Selected publications:

Monitoring, Evaluation, Research & Learning